About Iconic Bengal Breeders
Fun Smart Family Pets
Fun Smart Family Pets
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From Defiant to Iconic
My name is Lars Hindsley. I bred Bengal cats for twelve years (1995-2007) under the T.I.C.A. registered cattery name, Defiant. My love for the breed pushed me into breeding filails. My team was small. I never had over seven cats. I’d often be at four. Some of my best memories are of my F2, Enigma, and even my SBT boy, NEO.
A divorce lead to what seemed early retirement from breeding Bengal cats.
I became a full time single father of two. It seemed my life as a breeder was long behind me. Years later, my love for the breed remains.
I’m back.
I was originally operating a cattery under the name Defiant Breeders. It was my way of issuing a proclamation to the industry that there was a new way of treating buyers. Provide a family member. Provide a cat with no social issues at all.
You see, for too long breeders focused so well on the design and look of a Bengal, few cared to invest the time to raise the kittens underfoot.
My way of breeding has always been — keep it small, keep it manageable. Every litter of kittens was truly raised in our home, with attention and love.
I originally operated a cattery under the name Defiant Breeders. It was my way of issuing a proclamation to the industry that there was a new way of treating buyers. Provide a family member. Provide a cat with no social issues at all.
You see, for too long breeders focused so well on the design and look of a Bengal, few cared to invest the time to raise the kittens underfoot.
My way of breeding has always been — keep it small, keep it manageable. Every litter of kittens was truly raised in our home, with attention and love.
Don't just meet the Bengal standard. Meet the standard of fairness.
Give people a Bengal kitten that loves to be around people.Lars Hindsley
Iconic is a member of The International Cat Association, (T.I.C.A.) #37865. All our litters are registered.
I Breed Confidence
These creatures are often touted as confident, but let’s not forget they’re still cats. And like any other feline, without proper love and attention, they can be skittish. Unacceptable!
My Bengal kittens, however, are the epitome of the breed. From champion bloodlines, with personalities to match, these kittens are truly ICONIC. Owning one from my cattery means you have the ideal specimen of the breed.
While running a cattery is no easy feat, all you want are two things: a Bengal that looks like a leopard and is super friendly.
That is the peace of mind I offer to you. I make it seem easy because I’ve learned how to make it easy from years of experience.
My Bengal kittens are always in demand. Add the site to your push notifications because I do have a waiting list I call on first for deposits when the time comes.
Every new bengal kitten owner receives a guide

While ultimately a Bengal is still just a cat, they do have some unique aspects that a Bengal breeder has experience in understanding. My Bengal cat owners guide is a great way of being sure everything you are doing is right. And what you don’t know, it explains in plain words.
The guide provides you a checklist on day one. Instructions for your first day, first week and first month. It’s full of resources and answers to both health and socialization concerns. What my Bengal cat guide doesn’t answer, I’m glad to answer personally.
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indoor & outdoor
We care for our Bengal cats as you do. Loved family members. It’s really that simple. When kittens are born, they are raised with constant human interaction. The mother cats can be a bit frazzled at times if we remove a kitten to socialize with it, but they trust us.
The boys have indoor access but whole males will spray and mark. They are inside some of the time after they reach maturity. Rain, snow, cold. They even lounge about with us with love. We just need to keep an eye on the boys to keep the house from smelling like a foul cat house. The bottom line, everyone is happy. Attention to comfort and safety goes all the way down to the kitten box our Bengal kittens are born in.

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SINCE 2019
All the cool kids have one of these. Seriously. Without this, you can’t prove a Bengal is a Bengal, let alone register it.

These are general cattery visiting hours. We can of course accept visitors by appointment to accomodate special needs. Simply call first to establish if we can see you during unscheduled visiting hours. Our number is NOT a cell phone, so don’t attempt to text. Call (302) 832-9700 and please be respectful of what time of day you call. Calling up until midnight and after 7:00 AM is acceptable.